Posts tagged improvisation
The evils of seeking Validation. Do you 'play to please'?

The play to please hands control over to others leaving the improvisor as vulnerable as a leaf in the wind being blown around by the opinions of others. When we value our work only on the opinions of others we create a cycle of vulnerability and need. We begin to seek out praise, adjusting our work to achieve the dopamine hit.

This can be very dangerous to people's self esteem and can create an opportunity for others to exploit and manipulate, especially if there are power dynamics, like casting, involved.

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Post show notes

Our emotional response to the note makes it negative or positive. If you are seeking validation and praise in notes then any note that doesn’t reward you, will be perceived as negative because it will rub your ego the wrong way. However, if you are listening to notes for information you will hear this note as that and be curious to learn more.

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Don't do your best.

Process rehearsals work in solving problems together as a team so notes are necessary as it is input of information to help understand if we solved the problems or we need to try new approaches.

End goal rehearsals work in identifying what you should and should not do in a very right and wrong mentality. It creates more individual and less team focus. 

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